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What is a Celebrant ceremony?
A Celebrant ceremony is a well-written custom ceremony which reflects the personality, beliefs, values, traditions of the client(s) while weaving in the client's personal story and history. The Celebrant ceremony also takes into account the ceremony guests or community making certain that they feel a part of it all in whatever way that matters to the ceremonial honorees. The client has complete approval and reviews the ceremony script and has the right to make revisions before the ceremony is officiated by the Celebrant.


What is a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant®?


Life-Cycle Celebrants® are graduates of the Celebrant Foundation & Institute (CF&I). Life-Cycle Celebrants® are highly trained professionals who officiate life milestones, rites of passage and transition events including weddings, funerals and baby blessings for individuals, families and communities. Life-cycle Celebrants® create and perform one-of-a-kind, personalized ceremonies that can include customized rituals and reflect the clients' beliefs, philosophy of life and personalities — not those of the Celebrant's.


What is the Life-Cycle Celebrant distinction?®
This distinction means the individual has been certified in fundamentals of ceremony and ritual along with a specialty certificate in a seven-month rigorous course of study. These professional ceremonialists understand and specialize in integrating personal story and history into ceremony and ritual. Life-Cycle Celebrants® adhere to CF&I's gold standard of practice and ethics and practice without judgment or agenda. In addition they have undergone several hours of ceremony writing as well as being tested in regard to their own ability to officiate ceremony and understand the nuances of personal ceremony.

Where did the Celebrant movement originate?
In the 1960s the movement was founded and established by the late Australian attorney general, Mr. Lionel Murphy. Celebrant ceremonies are widespread in Australia and other places and are much more common now in the United States.


Why are rituals important in life?


Rituals connect us to something larger than ourselves; they are the portals we pass through in our journey through life. They create a pause outside of regular space and time that allows us to focus our intentions. Robert Fulghum wrote, “Rituals are cairns marking the path behind us and ahead of us. Without them we lose our way.” For many, rituals offer an opening and a way to connect body, mind and soul.

What are some of the services the Celebrant provides?
A no-obligation, complimentary initial in-person meeting (or phone or Zoom; extensive consultation and collaboration; customized research of readings, rituals and blessings for your particular ceremony; ongoing communication via email, phone, Zoom or text; liaison with other ceremony vendors and/or venue; questionnaires to learn about your story; supervision of rehearsal when applicable; ceremonial officiant performance skills; and filing your wedding license after the ceremony if needed.


Will my Celebrant provide me with a final script version before my ceremony for me to approve/revise? Do I have final say?
Yes, your Celebrant will provide you with a complete, edited ceremony script version for your review, feedback, revisions and ultimate approval.

Is Celebrant ceremony based on the framework of traditional ceremony?

Yes, Celebrants have studied rites of passage, mythology, Jungian philosophy and ancient and world traditions. Celebrant ceremony is unique because the personal story, history, or reference to family ancestors is fundamental to the ceremony along with paying attention to tone, lyricism and story arc.


Is a Celebrant wedding ceremony legal?
Yes. All Celebrants are individually responsible for acquiring what they would need and fulfilling their regions requirements to legally solemnize weddings in their state and country. Many are ordained as a non-denominational minister by an organization of their choosing. New Jersey registered certified civil Celebrants are legal to officiate and sign the marriage license as NJ civil celebrants as of May 2014 when the NJ State legislature passed a law which included Civil Celebrants in their marriage act and was signed by NJ Governor Christie. NJ Civil Celebrants are required to register with the New Jersey Secretary of State and receive their official certificate and registration number.


Are wedding Celebrants legally allowed to solemnize vows and sign the marriage license in all states?
Each Life-Cycle Celebrant® is individually responsible to make certain that they comply with the marriage laws of their state/province/country or region, or the state in which they have been contracted to conduct a ceremony. Most wedding Celebrants are ordained (by another organization that complies and meets all regulations) as a non-denominational minister and sign the license as such. New Jersey is the only state where certified civil Celebrants are legal if they have registered with the Secretary of State.



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