I am trying to figure out how I feel tonight — and now again in the morning for the second time. Like many, I am watching the election results trickle in at a torturous pace.
It is no secret that I want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to win. I believe they will keep this country safer from the real threats that exist — not the ones that fuel conspiracy theories and incendiary tweets. I believe Joe and Kamala will unite us, which is more important to me than the stock market.
Right now, it looks like they could win. One more twist, though, and Trump and Pence can be in the lead. It’s like watching The Hunger Games — only our politics shouldn’t resemble a young-adult dystopian work of fiction.
Even if Joe wins, I won’t be dancing in the streets — not knowing that half the country will be as shattered as the other half has been for the last few years. It’s a horrible feeling.
No matter who wins, I believe we all lose, if we don’t change the bigger picture. We are still not finding common ground. We are not meeting each other in the middle of Rumi’s field beyond “wrongdoing and right doing.” We continue to judge ourselves as perfect and deserving — and "the other" as threatening our very existence.
We are not seeing each other. We are not hearing each other. We are not loving each other — not really. If we were, there wouldn’t be such huge segments of the population that feel like they are about to lose. Those segments wouldn’t be everywhere we turn.
We are so afraid and untrusting of each other right now in this moment in history. Joe Biden promises there won’t be red and blue states but the United States if he is elected. He promises to bring empathy, union, civility, and peace of mind and heart. After watching how low those qualities and objectives scored in exit polls, I'm not sure how much of a difference it will make.
One thing I do believe, though, is that Vice-President Biden will not disparage the people who did not support him the way Donald Trump has. That alone makes me hopeful things will turn.
We must learn to at least see and hear, if not love, each other. We must be willing to hear how we have hurt them and see that hurt in their eyes — they must do the same for us. It might not lead us back to love — but it's a decent start.
A popular Buddhist saying goes, “Lay down the killing knife and instantly turn into a Buddha.”
We must all lay down our knives. Imagine if it happened at the same time everywhere across America. That’s the kind of freedom I’m hoping to see and feel everywhere we turn.
Until then, I continue to watch and wait.
My hope this week is that our next President, whoever he may be, is divinely guided by spirit — by love — to lead from the middle of Rumi’s field. I pray we ALL put down our knives.