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This is the place to go to explore all things Enneagram. Please check often (we suggest bookmarking the page) since this section will be updated and added to regularly.

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By Garrett

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Learn how to live and love from your soul essence through the lens of the Enneagram, an ancient and sacred tool of self development. Discover your purpose and passion. Feel peace at your core. Understand life and others in new and unexpected ways. Be your best self as only the Enneagram can show you.

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SINGLE 50-MINUTE SESSIONS are a great way to experience inter-spiritual counseling/direction through the lens of the Enneagram. The only way to reach your soul is through your spirit. These sessions help you do that by identifying your core need/motivation and your unique personality patterns — good and bad — not to shame you but to help you live from truth ... from essence.


The Enneagram engages your light and shadow in way that results in something mysterious and magical that could never have been predicted before you started. No previous knowledge of or experience with the Enneagram is required; however, there should be some level of interest in this tool as a teaching and healing modality.

SINGLE SESSION: $65 ($50 each if purchased two at a time)

The YEAR-LONG GUIDED JOURNEY is a customized immersion into the depths and dynamism of the Enneagram. Consider it a one-on-one master's program that includes a blend of teaching, coaching, and inter-spiritual counseling.


This program is for someone who wants to go deep into this path of transformation and is looking for a trusted and knowledgeable guide to companion them on their personal journey. It is for those souls who know that grace is everywhere around us — we just notice it more when we have put in the time and energy to do the work.


There will be required reflections, readings and experiential exercises and activities; two one-on-one 50-minute sessions per month (in person or on Zoom); daily messages to inspire and keep you focused; and participation in a monthly Enneagram community discussion/learning call.


By the end of the year you will have identified and explored your primary energy type on the Enneagram; your instinct (self-preservation, social or sexual); your demeanor (positive, competent or intense); your social style (compliant, withdrawn or aggressive); your wings and why they matter; the unique flows of integration and disintegration for your unique personality type and how being aware of them can put you in touch with your soul essence. A certification of completion and special recognition will be awarded.

YEAR-LONG GUIDED JOURNEY: $1,495 if paid in full, or 4 payments of $495.

Please note: This intense, in-depth, one-of-a-kind journey is not for everyone. I do not want to waste people's hard-earned money. If I do not believe it is the right match, I am happy to refer you to one of my trusted colleagues who may use a modality or style that is a better fit. Please call or use the button below to schedule a complimentary call during which I will explain the full scope of the year-long journey in more detail and answer any questions. Thanks!

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Journeying through the Enneagram to discover your soul — to discover peace, purpose and passion — is a highly personal experience. No two people's path is the same. Yet there is a universality to the Enneagram that helps us to get even more out of it when we travel the road with others. We truly "find ourselves in each other."

Garrett, the guardian of "Your Enneagram Guide," took a vow in interfaith seminary to "empower himself and others through building community." A calling during seminary inspired him to create the FB private group "Community In Spirit," which helped people to find themselves in each other for several years.

This community has the same heart and commitment. We provide a safe and fun space for people to be themselves — perhaps for the very first time. We invite all voices to be heard and truly believe we learn from each other.

I understand that FB is a reality and offers many gifts; it can also make some (myself included) uncomfortable at times. This group was created to be a hybrid one, taking advantage of the best of FB and the discussion forums on this site. 

If you want to join us, be sure to sign up on this site and also visit XXXXX on FB to answer three brief questions before being granted permission to join us there. We want to make sure that people who join the group are there for the right reasons and treat the path we are all on together with respect, and an open mind and heart.

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From the Heart Blog

Sharing the Love and Wisdom of the Enneagram

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©2021 by Garrett A. Foster

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